Jan 23, 2020
Jane Atkinson spent over a decade as one of the top business managers for speakers including best-selling author’s and celebrities. Jane is the author of four books including the The Wealthy Speaker 2.0, The Epic Keynote and The Wealthy Speaker Daily Success Planner and Journal. She is also the host of The Wealthy Speaker Podcast and recently founded The Wealthy Speaker School, which provides online courses, group coaching and live events for all levels of speakers. She is known throughout the speaking industry as the Speaker Launcher.
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Resources Mentioned:
Managing speakers
How to recession-proof your speaking career
Ray Dalio’s All-Weather Fund
Diversifying your speaking career
The speaking business is a numbers game
How to have your first seven figure year as a speaker
Kindra Hall and sending out 600 emails
Process and systems
Hire generals not soldiers
Social media for speakers
Karma CRM
When to find a speaker business manager
Becoming the bottleneck
Dan Sullivan – Strategic coach
Online courses for speakers
Membership sites
Chad Hymas
Rob ‘Waldo’ Waldman
Rachael Hollis
Inner Circle Mastermind
Website: Wealthy Speaker School (hyperlink: https://vi183.isrefer.com/go/WSS/jamestaylor/)
CTA link: https://speakersu.com/the-speakers-life/
Website: https://speakersu.com
LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/JTme-linkedin
Instagram: http://bit.ly/JTme-ig
Twitter: http://bit.ly/JTme-twitter
Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/IS-fbgroup
Read full transcript at https://speakersu.com/sl047-how-to-have-your-first-seven-figure-speaker-year-interview-with-jane-atkinson/ #SpeakersLife #ProfessionalSpeaking