Oct 31, 2019
In today’s episode of The Speakers Life I’m delighted to announce the launch of Season 3 of International Speakers Summit, an online event about Finding Local Stories To Share In Your Speeches.
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Resources Mentioned:
Pablo Picasso
The 4 Cats
Vignettes & Short Stories
CTA link: https://speakersu.com/the-speakers-life/
Website: https://speakersu.com
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Read full transcript at https://speakersu.com/sl036-finding-local-stories-to-share-in-your-speeches/
Hey, there it's James Taylor. And today I'm in Barcelona, in
Catalonia, Spain. So I want to share with you this idea of how to
route your speech. So today I'm in Catalonia and Spain. And I'm
talking to a group of accountants. I'm always on the lookout for
local stories that relate to a place. So last night, I speak I
speak about creativity, I went to a cafe called the four cats cafe
here in Barcelona. And it's where the castle used to, used to go
when he was young, hang out, talk with his other kind of artists,
friends, and brainstorm ideas, essentially. And so I took a photo
of myself with some of the staff learned about the place and stuff
told me some inside stories, and I'm going to use those stories in
my speech today, including some of the photography from it, and and
then help kind of bring it together because talking about this as I
give the third place about this idea of how places themselves can
be creative, so I can link the story of the castle or the four cats
cafe with the kind of what these accountants are doing today in
what we call their innovation labs. So always be on the lookout for
little short, short stories or vignettes that you can embed into
your story to help route your speech, your keynote in the physical
place and what you're getting in. My name is James Taylor. Thanks
for watching.
#SpeakersLife #ProfessionalSpeaking